Q: What is 3.40 OE-A?
A: OE-A firmwares are modified versions of the original Sony Firmware. They will look basically the same but have many
internal changes.
Q: What does it do and what are the changes?
A: It allows you to play game back-ups from the memory stick, to run homebrew applications, to have a menu in case you
brick your PSP you can safely restore it. It gives you access to the internal memory of the PSP so you can change how the
PSP looks. It also allows yo to change the internal clock of the PSP (from 222Mhz to 333Mhz) so you can smoothly run many
applications that otherwise would slow down. It allows you to open emulators so you can play your favorite old school games
Q: What will I get if I buy it from your website?
A: The PSP itself, the battery, the charger and the instructions manuals. 40 Game Back-Ups, Emulators, Themes.
Q: What will I get if I bid on it in eBay and win?
A: The PSP itself, the battery, the charger and the instructions manuals. 20 Game Back-Ups, Emulators, Themes.
Q: Is the PSP brand new?
A: Yes, I only open the box to put the custom firmware in it, I don't even use the battery.
Q: Do you offer any warranty?
A: NO, I offer free technical support at any time, you can call me or e-mail me with your technical questions. The PSP
is new so I don't think it will have any problems. Also it is covered by 1 year Sony warranty but you would need to remove
the custom firmware before shipping it for repairs ;).
Q: What are the extras?
A: These are: the PSP core system, 20 game back-ups (if you have the originals), 20 PSP themes so you can modify it as
you like, emulators and applications mentioned in the first page. If you need something else just let me know.
Q: How do you know I own the original games?
A: I don't know, I just assume that you do since it is posted in the website. I do not endorse piracy.
Q: How could you do not endorse piracy if you "crack" a PSP?
A: I am just trying to make the PSP more usable and unlocking all its capabilities, if you don't want to use all these
features just tell me so and I will ship it as bought from the store.
Q: I have more questions, where can I ask?
A: The preferred method is e-mail or chat @
pspguru@hotmail.com. If you rather call here is my cell 786-488-2581. Please read through before calling I have very limited time.
Q: What is the best time to call you?
A: Specially weekends, the whole day (8:00 AM to 11:00 PM EST) or Monday - Friday (8:00 AM to 9:45 AM and 9:00 PM to
11:00 PM).